Master of Melee combat. Slay your enemies with advanced sword arts and destructive skills.

A classic game, shining once again on mobile. Based on the original Mu Online, that most MMORPG players already know, Mu Origin is successful port to mobile devices. The mobile game sticks to the original 3D design with some visible improvements, yet still manages to capture that original feeling of raw power. It's action packed, has a great quest line, has countless ways to progress, has wings and has a ton of events and, well, it's just fun to play!
Wanna move fast with style? Get one of the brand new mounts added on the New Mu Origin 7.0 Server. They also have awesome buffs, to help you fight the new bosses.
Learn more about classes in Mu Mobile
Master of Melee combat. Slay your enemies with advanced sword arts and destructive skills.
Dark Knight is one of the first classes and can be created after you register.
The wielder of radiant magic. Cast your foes away with overwhelming powers.
Dark Wizard is one of the first classes and can be created after you register.
The goddess of war and beauty. Shoot down your target and heal your allies with the power of spirits.
Elf is one of the first classes and can be created after you register.
Skilled with both the sword & magic. Chose your path as a Knight or Wizard.
Magic Knight can be created after you reach 3 rebirths with another character.
Summoners possess a natural gift in manipulating magical powers and communicating with the other world.
Summoner can be created after you reach 3 rebirths with another character.
We've implemented a diamonds per minute system to reward you for staying in-game. We have also added unique benefits to our User Center.
So you can experience a true free to play game.
We have MULTIPLE SERVERS you can chose from. We know how people strive in the race to be the best. But, how can you be the best if someone plays for an entire year? We want to open a new server every time we think is necessary.
Got a question, a bug or you're just feeling lonely? follow us in Facebook/Discord and we'll be there for you.